understanding our emergent nature

Complex Society Lab (CSL – Laboratory for the study of a Complex Society) is an interdisciplinary and independent research group that approaches the study of society from the perspective of Complex Systems.

For more than 5 years, CSL has focused on the challenge of understanding the social transformations triggered by a series of fundamental mechanisms that guide the evolution of complex adaptive systems, placing special emphasis on understanding the crisis processes that affect societies as a result of both internal and external adaptation pressures.

It is in this context that the CSL is currently developing the Project “Complex Vulnerability Research within an Urban Setting on the Pacific Rim: Proto-Modeling Climate Impact and Social Risk in Santiago, Chile” that seeks to understand, during the next 3 years, the effects and adaptation measures of society to what is perhaps the greatest adaptive pressure that we have faced as humanity: climate change. This project is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR – https://www.nre.navy.mil) and will be developed jointly between CSL and Infinitum Humanitarian Systems (IHS – https://www.ihs-i.com ).


PhD in Physics of Complex Systems


PhD in Physics
PhD in Philosophy
Master in International Affairs and Diplomacy


PhD in


PhD in Political Science and Sociology

Projects and Grants

  1. EARLY WARNING SIGNALS IN SOCIAL CRITICAL EPISODES. (N62909-20-1-2060). Project focused on detecting early-warnings signals of social crises. 2020-2022
  2. SOCIAL COMPLEXITY AND CRITICAL STATES OF SOCIETY: FROM UNDERLYING SOCIAL MECHANISMS TO POLITICAL CRISES IN CHILE. (N62909-17-1-2010). Project for the study of social crises from the perspective of complex adaptive systems. 2016-2019.
